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VIP Retreat in Delphi

Portal of your Soul Essence
In Delphi Greece
May and October 2025
Reconnect to the power and wisdom of Delphi! 4 days that will change your life!

We have never experienced anything like this. The planets have shifted and things will never be the same again.

Do you also feel it in your heart and wonder why it feels so challenging right now?

It is a time of decisions and change.

A time of global change,which has never been this intense before.

Never before have collapse and creativity been so close together.

Spaces for completely new things have opened up. However, it is our task to enter these new spaces if we do not want to be left behind.

It is a very special quality NOW and if your soul is ready, you can learn to recreate your world. You can create and achieve anything! In this retreat I will show you the way!

It is an invitation for the courageous, for the visionaries, for the leaders of the New Earth.

It is a journey into your new consciousness, a journey on which you will FINALLY step through the gates that lead you to your very own life, your soul path!

Now is the moment to step into the New and enter a new heart space. You will be amazed by what is possible!

It doesn't matter whether you want to take your long-standing relationship to a more heart-connected level, whether you are carrying heavy and painful memories from your family and want to heal these traumas, or whether you feel the call to follow your soul's mission and finally live your calling.

Whatever your current challenge is, you can now transform it and anchor your new higher soul frequency within you.

These 4 days will be intense and I have prepared a lot for you, if you want to be part of it!

It is no coincidence that I chose Delphi for this retreat, one of the most magical places in the world!

Even the ancient Greeks went on great pilgrimages to Delphi to ask the famous oracle about their future destiny.

Very fine high vibrations and healing energies are available there to support you in your process. I will show you how.

In this time of decisions and change, the ancient places of worship gift us with their wisdom and power!

Our earth, Gaia herself, is in a deep process of transformation, we can support her in this as co-creators and create the new consciousness together!

In order for this process to succeed, Gaia gifts us with her power of love, which she communicates to us through messages!

On this 4-day soul journey I will show you places in Delphi where you will receive messages from Gaia for your soul essence!

With her message of love she will take you on your journey of remembrance! You will step into your heart space and be amazed at what will show itself to you!


Retreat Programme

Journey to Athens.

From there by minibus to Delphi.

We stay here for 4 nights.

Various outdoor activities and excursions in Delphi and the Parnassos Mountains, a mystical landscape.

Visit to the magical and sacred places: Temple of Athena and Apollo, sacred spring.

Surprise event on the last day and evening!

What you will learn:

  • Experience deep feelings of self-love and self-respect.

  • To experience your heart as your central organ of perception, so that all aspects of your being are touched by your unique heart vibration.

  • Connect with your soul essence and find access to your creativity.

  • Unleash your inner strength and courage.

  • To begin the connection to your conscious healing by learning to open your heart portal.

  • Experiencing yourself as an unlimited creator being.

  • Celebrate the joy of being human in these times of change.

  • To experience deep connection in an expanded consciousness.

  • To learn what the role of the masculine means for the New Earth and how it can connect with the feminine.

  • Meditations, awareness exercises, Gaia Touch exercises, breathing and movement, group sharing and personal healing support.

  • Rituals of release and joy!

  • New skills that you can take home with you.

  • You will experience the power and support of a shared sacred space in a group with like-minded people!

  • New friendships and soul partnerships will emerge!

  • After the retreat, you will have created a whole new heart field,

    are in a vibration that supports you in manifesting and working in the world and you will perhaps even tell your grandchildren about our time together.


Delphi - one of the most magical places in the world

Excursions to the Parnassos Mountains.


May and October 2025 (exact dates will be announced soon)

It is possible to come earlier or extend your stay. You are welcome to contact me regarding this.

Investment for you and your Soul Path

  • 4 nights in a unique accommodation with a fantastic view over the Gulf of Corinth

  • Opening dinner on the 1st evening

  • Completion dinner

  • Daily intuitive movement practice before breakfast

  • All entrance fees (sacred sites and museum)

  • Private minibus for excursions to the Parnassos Mountains

  • Meditations and rituals

  • Group exercises

  • Freshly prepared soul food every day (this will help you maintain your new vibration)

  • Surprise event


2x individual online sessions: a very personal session before the retreat in which I analyze your soul vibration.

After the retreat, a session with an anchoring exercise so that you can integrate your new vibration and heart energy into your everyday life!

€2.600 (netto)

Not included are your flight and the airport transfer (we will be happy to assist you with the organization and planning).


Extra tavern visit


Travel dates – Cancellation Policy

If you cancel the trip for personal reasons, the following cancellation conditions apply:

1. If you find a replacement participant for your place, you will not have to pay cancellation costs!

2. If you are unable to find a replacement, you can join the Retreat in the next year.


You can take out travel insurance.

If you have to cancel your flights, please contact the airline directly.

Status November 2024

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